Example Table Settings

If our table settings were:

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'DataTable',
    keyField: 'ref_id',
    tableColumns: [
            title: 'Ref',
            key: 'ref_id',
            filter: 'NumberFilter',
            defaultValue: { comparator: '=' },
            title: 'First Name',
            key: 'first_name',
            title: 'Surname',
            key: 'surname',
            title: 'Type',
            key: 'type',
            filter: 'SelectFilter',
            filterOptions: {
                Add: 'Add',
                Amend: 'Amend',
                Remove: 'Remove',

Then the tableSettings post parameter would contain a corresponding json object:

      "title":"First Name",
      "filterOptions": {
        "Add": "Add",
        "Amend": "Amend",
        "Remove": "Remove"

Available Options

Name Type Required? Description
keyField string Yes A column key must be selected as the key field.
tableColumns array Yes An array of objects with at least a key and title.
tableID string Yes An ID for the table.
defaultSearch string - The default search value.
defaultSort array - The default column to sort by, and if it is asc or desc e.g. ['ref_id', 'desc'].
displayTitle string - This adds a title above the table.
customPaginationTotal function - A way of changing the pagination total displayed. See More
extraToolbarItems function - A way of passing extra items to the toolbar. See More
extraButtons function - A way of passing extra buttons to the table. See More
headers object - Override the default request headers. See More
minWidth integer - Define a minimum width for the table.
noDataIndication mixed - The text or component to render within the table if there are no results.
customApiError function - Make use of an error object and render your own error response. See More
useLocalStorage bool - If true the table filters will be stored using local storage.
wrapperType string - This string adds a class or classes to the wrapper div around the table.
Using Local Storage

Using local storage will store the column filters and search box values entered as tableFilters and tableSearch.

LocalStorage can be cleared as below:

localStorage.removeItem('tableFilters'); // clear table filters
localStorage.removeItem('tableSearch'); // clear table searches
Custom Pagination Total

View Custom Pagination Total Example Implementation

You can add a custom pagination total when you use customPaginationTotal:

const PaginationTotal = (start, to, total) => (
    {start}-{to} of {total}

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'myTable',
    displayTitle: 'Course Catalogue',
    customPaginationTotal: PaginationTotal,
Extra Toolbar Items

Extra Toolbar Options

You can add extra items to the toolbar when you use extraToolbarItems:

const ExtraToolbarItem = () =>
        Add New

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'myTable',
    displayTitle: 'Course Catalogue',
    extraToolbarItems: ExtraToolbarItem,
Extra Buttons

Extra Buttons

You can add extra buttons to the table using extraButtons:

const ExtraButton = () =>
        Add New

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'myTable',
    extraButtons: ExtraButton,
Request Headers

The default headers are:

  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',

You can override this using the headers setting:

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'myTable',
    headers: {
        'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8',
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'Content-Language': 'da',
Custom API Error

The default error is:

<div className="status_message offline">
    <p>The table failed to initialise. Please check you are connected to the internet and try again.</p>

You can override this error the customApiError setting:

const customApiError = errorObject => {
  if (errorObject.response.status === 400) {
    return (
      <div className="status_message offline">
  return (
    <div className="status_message offline">
      <p>Something went wrong!</p>

const tableSettings = {
    tableID: 'myTable',