Available Options

Name Type Required? Description
key string Yes The column key.
title string Yes The column heading to be displayed.
dataFormat function - A function can be used to format cell values eg. (cell) => { return cell; }
defaultValue object - The default value specific to the filter type.
export bool - If false, the column will get excluded from the export.
filter string - The filter type to be used by the column.
filterOptions object - Key-value paris of filter options eg. { key: 'value', key: 'value' }. See More
formatExtraData any - This can be used to provide extra data to dataFormat.
hidden bool - If true, hides the column. Defaults to false.
searchable bool - If false, the column cannot be searched.
sortable bool - If false, the column cannot be sorted by.
width integer - Define a fixed width for the column.
Filter Options
Text Filter

This is the default filter and does not need to be named.

    title: 'First Name',
    key: 'first_name',

Text Filter will post:

  "value":"search value"
Select Filter

This provides a select box with predefined options.

    title: 'Type',
    key: 'type',
    filter: 'SelectFilter',
    filterOptions: {
        Add: 'Add',
        Amend: 'Amend',
        Remove: 'Remove',

Select Filter will post:

Number Filter

This allows your to filter using a number with a logical comparator.

    title: 'Ref',
    key: 'ref_id',
    filter: 'NumberFilter',
    defaultValue: { comparator: '=' }, // define the default comparator

Number Filter will post:

  "type":"eq", // eq, gt, gteq, lt, lteq, nteq, like
Date Range Filter

This provides a select box with predefined options.

    title: 'Date Created',
    key: 'created_at',
    filter: 'CustomDateRangeFilter',

Date Range Filter will post:
